Hello! I'm Rose, an illustrator and author living and working in Brighton, UK. I have just completed studying a Children's Book Illustration MA at Cambridge School of Art in 2024 and have been released into the real life world. Here I work as a freelance illustrator, and also a part time book seller at a local book shop.
I studied Fine Art BA at the Arts University of Bournemouth, graduating in 2012 which feels like sooo long ago. At the time I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, and 'art' seemed to be a one fit box. It didn't suit me and I didn't enjoy it, but without it I wouldn't be here having found my true calling. After a decade of working with people in education, I absolutely thrived on the MA and am so excited to get stuck into the world of publishing.
I grew up absorbed in books, taking monthly trips to the library van which stopped at the top of our road. I'm not sure I even had a favourite type of book, I could get lost in anything provided it wasn't dull. I also grew up drawing and the MA has established a love for observational drawing which forms the basis of all my illustration. I love to play with light, form, character, colour, and mark making to create worlds you can lose yourself in and characters you root for.
When I'm not making art, I love to cook, go on walks, run, potter around in the garden, laze around on the beach, and watch inspiring films.

Exhibitions and events…

  • Exhibition - Pathfinders, 2024. Bologna.
  • Exhibition - Graduation Show, 2024. London.
  • Exhibition - Batsford Prize, 2024. London.


  • Batsford Prize 2024, Runner Up
  • Macmillan Illustration Prize 2023, Highly Commended